Tongkat Ali Studies
Study 1
Study length: 24 weeks
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 50mg per day + multivitamin
Results: 582% increase in free testosterone
Gender: Male and female
Participants: 120
Age range: 20 - 60 years
Study Link: July 2014
Male results 582% increase (up to 11.4 ng/dL) and 600% increase ( up to 1.05 ng/dL) in free testosterone in men and women respectively.

Female results 28 female participants between 20 – 60 years 600% increase in free testosterone after the 24th week

Study 2
Study length: 12 weeks
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 200mg
Results: Increase in DHEA, a hormone in the adrenal gland that helps to produce testosterone
Gender: Male
Participants: 105
Age range: 50 - 70 years
Study Link: 2021
Study 3
Study length: two-week period
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 600mg daily
Results: 15% higher levels of testosterone and 34% increase in free testosterone.
Gender: Male
Participants: 32
Study Link:
Age range: Average age of 24 years
Date: 2021
Study 4
Study length: 6 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled:
Strength: 200 mg
Results: Group that exercised 3x a week saw the best improvements in free test and erectile dysfunction.
Gender: Male
Participants: 45
Study Link:
Age range: 47 years average
Date: May 2020
Note: Men in this study had low testosterone levels.
Study 5
Study length: 12 weeks
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 200mg per day
Results: Significant increase in the total testosterone levels at week 12
Gender: Male
Participants: 105
Study Link:
Age range: 50 – 70 years
Date: May 2021
Study 6
Study length: 4-weeks
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength of tablet: 200mg
Results: testosterone levels were significantly higher (+37% compared to placebo
Gender: 32 men 31 women
Participants: 63
Study Link:
Date: 2013 May 26
Study 7
Study length : 8 years 4 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled :
Strength : 400 mg
Results : Treatment resulted in significant increases in total and free testosterone concentrations and muscular force in men and women. The increase in free testosterone in women is thought to be due to the significant decline in sex hormone-binding globulin concentrations. The study affirms the ergogenic benefit of TA through enhanced muscle strength.
Gender : 13 males – 12 Females
Participants : 25
Age range : 57 - 72
Study Link :
Date : April 2014
Study 8
Study length : 1 year 4 months.
Double-blind, placebo-controlled : multicentre, randomised, phase II clinical trial with a 12-week safety and efficacy monitoring period
Strength : 100 – 200 mg
Results : There was a significant increase in the total testosterone levels at week 12 (P < 0.05) in the 100 mg group and at weeks 4 (P < 0.05), 8 (P < 0.01) and 12 (P < 0.001) in the 200 mg group compared to placebo.
A significant within-group increase occurred at weeks 4 (P < 0.01), 8 (P < 0.001) and 12 (P < 0.001) in the 100 mg group and at weeks 2 (P < 0.01), 4 (P < 0.01), 8 (P < 0.001) and 12 (P < 0.001) in the 200 mg group.DHEA levels significantly increased (P < 0.05) within-group in both groups from week 2 onwards. Cortisol levels significantly (P < 0.01) decreased in the 200 mg group, while muscle strength significantly (P < 0.001) increased in both groups at week 12 in the within-group comparison.
There were no significant changes in SHBG. No safety-related clinically relevant changes were observed.
Gender : Males
Participants : 105
Age range : 50 - 70
Study Link :
Date : 18 May 2021
Study 9
Study length: 19 years
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: seven men received a placebo. The intensity of the exercise was increased by 10% RM/week
Strength: 100 mg
Results : The lean body mass of the treatment group showed a significant increment, from 52.26 (7.18) kg to 54.39 (7.43) kg (p = 0.012)
Gender: Males
Participants: 7
Age range: Not Mentioned
Study Link:
S. Hamzah, A. Yusof. Department of Exercise Physiology, Sports Centre, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Date : 2003
Study 10
Study length: 2 years 10 months 20 days
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 200 mg
Results: Resistance training alone may improve anaerobic relative power. However, combined with Tongkat Ali supplementation, resistance training may potentially improve peak power output
Gender: Males
Participants: 44
Age range: 19 - 25
Study Link:
Date: 15 October 2019
Study 11
Study length: 2 years 10 months 20 days
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 200 mg
Results: Resistance training alone may improve anaerobic relative power. However, combined with Tongkat Ali supplementation, resistance training may potentially improve peak power output
Gender: Males
Participants: 44
Age range: 19 - 25
Study Link:
Date: 15 October 2019
Study 12
Study length: 45 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled :
Strength: 100 mg
Results: Endocrinologists have known for a long time that testosterone increases the body’s ratio of lean muscle mass to fat. In both animals and humans, Tongkat Ali extract increases muscle mass. In a study of men, half of the subjects ingested Tongkat Ali extract and half did not. In an eight-week physical training program, the men who consumed Tongkat Ali extract experienced greater gains in muscle mass and strength than those who did not.
Gender: Males
Participants: 30
Age range: Various age groups
Study Link:
Date: 2019
Study 13
Study length: 45 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled :
Strength: 100 mg
Results: Endocrinologists have known for a long time that testosterone increases the body’s ratio of lean muscle mass to fat. In both animals and humans, Tongkat Ali extract increases muscle mass. In a study of men, half of the subjects ingested Tongkat Ali extract and half did not. In an eight-week physical training program, the men who consumed Tongkat Ali extract experienced greater gains in muscle mass and strength than those who did not.
Dr. Tamby conducted this study in which he investigated partial androgen deficiency in males. He selected 30 adult males of various ages, assessed their testosterone levels and then gave them 100 mg of tongkat ali extract daily. The testosterone levels of all the subjects rose, from somewhat to a lot, depending on age. Dr. Tamby’s study resulted in a 91 percent improvement in libido, a reported 73 percent improvement in sexual function and an 82 percent psychological improvement relative to sex among the men who participated in the study. His work shows that while the level of testosterone in the blood decreases with age, tongkat ali can reelevate the level of this important sex hormone.
Gender: Males
Participants: 30
Age range: Various age groups
Study Link:
Date: 2019
Study 14
Study length: 2 months 23 days
Double-blind, placebo-controlled : meta-analysis of more than 3,000 patients with hypogonadism from randomized placebo-controlled
Strength : 100 mg
Results: In two other studies, tongkat ali supplementation (100 mg/day) improved lean body mass, one-repetition maximum (1RM) strength and arm circumference to a significantly greater degree compared to placebo. In men with low testosterone (average age 51), one month of daily supplementation with tongkat ali extract (200 mg/day) resulted in significantly improved serum testosterone levels, and another study using young healthy adult males (average age 25) demonstrated that 100 mg/day of tongkat ali extract, added to an intense strength-training program, improved lean body mass and arm size compared to placebo group. The results demonstrate that tongkat ali extract can enhance muscle mass and strength and enhance fat loss in healthy exercises.
Gender: Males
Age range: 25
Study Link: S, Yusof A. The ergogenic effects of Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia): A pilot study. British J Sports Med 2003, 37:464-470.
Date: 15 June 2022
Study 15
Study length: 15 days
Double-blind, placebo-controlled
Strength: literature reviews that Tongkat Ali seems safe with doses up to 400 mg per day, though most studies suggest that 200-300 mg per day should be effective.
Results: Tongkat Ali Complex contains compounds called quassinoids, eurycomaosides, eurycolactones, and saponins which help the body use energy; This may help support muscle mass and athletic performance as one ages
Gender: Males
Participants: not mentioned
Age range: 57 - 72
Study Link:
Date: 26 August 2022
Study 16
Study length: 5 years 1 month
Strength : 100 mg
Results: 100 mg of Tongkat Ali extract were given each day morning and night. Within a statistically short period of only 10 days each athlete had increased salivary testosterone between 15% to 50%.
Gender: Males
Participants: 9 Athletes
Age range: 26 - 52
Study Link:
Date: 13 August 2017
Study 17
Study length: 9 years
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 300 mg
Results: The bioactive fraction of Eurycoma longifolia root delivers a demonstrated ability to improve testosterone levels increase muscle size and strength improve overall well-being accelerate recovery from exercise enhance weight loss reduce stress and reduce symptoms of fatigue
A wide range of investigations, from laboratory research, to animal feeding studies, to human supplementation trials, have confirmed the health benefits and traditional use of tongkat ali root extract. Laboratory evidence shows that eurycoma peptides stimulate release of free testosterone from its binding proteins and improve overall hormone profiles. More than a dozen studies have demonstrated improved sex drive, balanced hormonal profiles, and enhanced physical function. Human supplementation trials show a clear indication of reduced fatigue, heightened energy and mood, and greater sense of well-being in subjects consuming tongkat ali root extracts. In conclusion, tongkat ali, used for centuries in traditional medicine systems of Southeast Asia for treating lethargy, low libido, depression, and fatigue, appears to have significant potential for restoring hormone balance (cortisol/testosterone) and overall well-being in humans exposed to various modern stressors, including ageing, dieting, and exercise stress.
Gender: Males
Participants: Not mentioned
Age range: 30 - 55
Study Link: 2013
Study 18
Study length: 3 years 3 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 100 mg ( 5 weeks )
Results: treatment group showed a significant increment, from 52.26 (7.18) kg to 54.39 (7.43) kg (p = 0.012).
The mean arm circumference of the treatment group increased significantly by 1.8 cm after the supplementation, from 30.87 (1.88) to 32.67 (1.96) cm (p = 0.011), but there was no significant increase in the placebo group.
The results suggest that Tongkat Ali increased fat-free mass, reduced body fat, and increased muscle strength and size, and thus may have an ergogenic effect
Gender: Males
Participants: 7
Age range: Random
Study Link:
Date: 14 June 2019
Study 19
Study length: 4 years 9 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 400 mg
Results: Researchers also took measure of muscular force via a handgrip dynamometer test. In men, tongkat ali supplementation increased muscular force by 16% while in women, the increase was seen at 13.7%. These aren’t significant numbers, but keep in mind that supplementation was the only factor that led to these results.
The supplement group also lost more body fat, gained more strength, and gained more size on their biceps compared to the placebo group.
Gender: 13 Men – 12 Women
Participants: 25
Age range: 57 - 72
Study Link:
Date: 11 December 2017
Study 20
Study length: 4 years 9 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 400 mg
Results: Researchers also took measure of muscular force via a handgrip dynamometer test. In men, tongkat ali supplementation increased muscular force by 16% while in women, the increase was seen at 13.7%. These aren’t significant numbers, but keep in mind that supplementation was the only factor that led to these results.
The supplement group also lost more body fat, gained more strength, and gained more size on their biceps compared to the placebo group.
Gender: 13 Men – 12 Women
Participants: 25
Age range: 57 - 72
Study Link:
Date: 11 December 2017
Study 21
Study length: 2 years 9 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: 12 week placebo-controlled, double-blind
Strength: 100 mg
Results: significant improvements in fat-free mass, maximal strength and arm circumference, These results indicate that tongkat ali is able to enhance muscle mass and strength gains, while accelerating fat loss, in athletes and healthy exercisers.
Tongkat ali can prevent or reduce the symptoms of overtraining as well as help athletes to recover faster and more completely from daily training and exercise
Gender: Not Mentioned
Participants: 75
Age range:
Not Mentioned
Study Link:
Date: 2019
Study 22
Study length: 7 months 27 days.
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Not mentioned
Strength: 500 mg ( 5 weeks )
Results: 5 weeks of supplements led to a significant increase in total and free testosterone levels in both the male and female subjects. Hematocrit value and blood count increased slightly in males and muscle strength improved both for females and males.
Gender: 13 Males – 12 Females
Participants: 25
Age range: 57 - 72
Study Link:
Date: 18 January 2022
Study 23
Study length: 6 years
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: yes
Strength: 100 mg
Results: experienced a 5 % increase in lean mass, a decrease in fat mass, and an average of 1.8 cm increase in arm circumference, The findings of a later study indicated increased muscle strength and larger quadriceps muscles.
Gender: Males
Participants: 7
Age range: Not Mentioned
Study Link:
Date: 2016
Study 24
Study length: 1 year 8 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Not Mentioned
Strength: 300 – 400 mg
Results: There are several compounds in Tongkat Ali that are useful in helping you add muscle and burn fat. This herbal supplement contains various quassinoids that are vital for helping you increase testosterone. They also help increase energy, improve overall endurance, and reduce fatigue. Some of the quassinoids found within Tongkat Ali Powder include eurycomanone, eurycolactone, and eurycomaoside. These compounds will allow your body to use the energy you have more efficiently. That's why it's used to enhance athletic performance and increase muscle mass. You can increase your lean body mass just by taking this supplement and going about your regular exercise routine. It's also useful to improve your mental clarity, which will help you concentrate and focus during your workout.
Gender: Males
Participants: Not Mentioned
Age range: Not Mentioned
Study Link:
Date: 29 January 2021
Study 25
Study length: 13 Days
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Not Mentioned
Strength: 400 mg
Results: Tongkat ali is can increase energy levels, decrease cortisol, and enhance exercise performance. These effects could be because of the probable increase in serum testosterone levels in athletes.
Studies on male and female athletes showed a spike in the bioavailability of free testosterone upon tongkat ali supplementation. A daily dose of 400 mg tongkat ali for 5 weeks improved muscle force in older men and women
Gender: Both
Participants: 20
Age range: Not mentioned
Study Link:
Date: 02 September 2022
Study 26
Study length: 10 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Not Mentioned
Strength: 100 – 200 mg
Results: There was a significant increase in the total testosterone levels at week 12 (P < 0.05) in the 100 mg group and at weeks 4 (P < 0.05), 8 (P < 0.01) and 12 (P < 0.001) in the 200 mg group.
Gender: Males
Participants: 105
Age range: 50 - 70
Study Link:
Date: 2021
Study 27
Study length: 3 years 2 months 25 days
Double-blind, placebo-controlled : Men that aged 40-65 years were screened for this 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study
Strength : 300 mg
Results: Tongkat Ali supplements improved semen volume, along with sperm concentration, motility, and quality, Significant improvements were noted in scores for the Sexual Intercourse Attempt diary, Erection Hardness Scale, Sexual Health Inventory of Men, and Aging Male Symptom scale (P < 0.05 for all)
Gender: Males
Participants: 12
Age range: 40 - 65
Study Link:
Date: 14 June 2019
Study 28
Study length: 1 year 11 months 11 days
Double-blind, placebo-controlled:
Strength: - 300 mg ( fluid extract TA )
Results : Those men taking TA experienced higher scores in erectile function, libido, seminal fluid analysis, and sperm motility, and semen volume
Gender: Males
Participants: 109
Age range: 30 - 55
Study Link :
Date: 17 September 2020
Study 29
Study length: 9 years 3 months
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: - 600 mg
Results: Significant improvements were found in the TA group for Tension (−11%), Anger (−12%), and Confusion (−15%). Stress hormone profile (salivary cortisol and testosterone) was significantly improved by TA supplementation, with reduced cortisol exposure (−16%) and increased testosterone status (+37%).
Gender: 32 Men – 31 Women
Participants: 63
Age range: 25 - 30
Study Link:
Date: 26 May 2013
Study 30
Study length: 10 years
Double-blind, placebo-controlled : not mentioned
Strength : 300 – 800 mg
Results: 35 per cent of those had normal testosterone levels. After one month of supplementation with Tongkat Ali, the number of men with normal testosterone levels had risen significantly to 90 percent.
Gender: Males
Participants: 76
Age range: Not mentioned
Study Link:
Date: 2012
Study 31
Study length: 9 years
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength: 200 mg
Results: They found that 200 mg/day supplementation of patented, standardized, water-extracted tongkat ali improved stress hormone profile by significantly lowering cortisol and increasing testosterone levels. Tongkat ali supplementation also was found to significantly lower certain negative mood state parameters (tension, anger, and confusion).
(-11%), anger (-12%), and confusion (-15%).
Salivary-free cortisol and free testosterone levels were significantly improved by Tongkat Ali supplementation, with reduced cortisol (-16%), increased testosterone (+37%), and overall improved cortisol/testosterone ratio (-36%) compared to placebo.
Gender: 32 Males – 32 Females
Participants: 64
Age range : Not mentioned
Study Link :
Date: 2013
Study 32
Study length: 4 Weeks
Double-blind, placebo-controlled: Yes
Strength : 400 mg
Results : . concentrations of total and free testosterone, dihydroepiandros-terone, cortisol, insulin-like growth factor-1, and sex hormone-binding globulin were analyzed. As additional biochemical parameters, blood urea nitrogen and creatine kinase as parameters of kidney function and muscle damage, respectively, as well as the muscle strength by a simple handgrip test were determined.
Significant improvements were found in the TA group for Tension
11%), Anger (12%), and Confusion (15%).
Stress hormone profile (salivary cortisol and testosterone) was significantly improved by TA supplementation, with reduced cortisol exposure (
16%) and increased testosterone status (+37%)
These results indicate that daily supplementation with tongkat ali root extract improves stress hormoneprofile and certain mood state parameters, suggesting that this ancient remedy may be an effective approach to shielding the body from the detrimental effects of “modern” chronic stress, which may include general day-to-day stress, as well as the stress of dieting, sleep deprivation, and exercise training.
Gender : 13 males – 12 Females
Participants : 25
Age range : 57 - 72
Study Link :
Date: 2016