The spike protein from COVID-19 is a key structural component of the virus that allows it to attach to and enter human cells. It is also produced in response to mRNA and adenoviral vector vaccines to trigger an immune response. However, some research suggests that lingering spike proteins in the body may contribute to inflammation, blood clotting, and immune dysregulation, potentially leading to long-term health issues such as fatigue, brain fog, and cardiovascular problems. Because of this, some experts advocate for natural detox strategies, like nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin, which may help break down and eliminate spike proteins, supporting circulation, immune balance, and overall health.
The Spike Protein Detox bundle is designed to support the body’s natural ability to break down and clear spike proteins using nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin, which have been studied for their potential benefits in cardiovascular, immune, and inflammatory health.
Nattokinase is a fibrinolytic enzyme derived from fermented soy (natto) that may help break down spike proteins by reducing blood clotting factors and supporting circulation.
Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples that has anti-inflammatory and proteolytic (protein-digesting) properties, which may help degrade spike proteins and support immune function.
Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that may help reduce inflammation, support immune balance, and enhance the body’s natural detox processes.
This bundle may be beneficial for individuals who have:
Been exposed to spike proteins through infection or vaccination
Experienced lingering symptoms like inflammation, fatigue, or cardiovascular issues
Want to support circulatory and immune health naturally
People suffering from long covid
A common regimen follows the McCullough Protocol, which suggests:
Nattokinase: 5,000 FU per day on an empty stomach
Bromelain: 500mg per day between meals
Curcumin: 1,000 mg per day with food (preferably with black pepper for better absorption)
(Always consult a healthcare provider before starting a new supplement regimen.)
While generally safe, these supplements may thin the blood, so individuals on blood thinners or those with bleeding disorders should consult a doctor before use. Some people may experience mild digestive discomfort.
"Based on signals of benefit and acceptable safety, the triad of nattokinase 2,000 FU (100 mg) twice daily, bromelain 500 mg a day, and nano-curcumin 500 mg twice daily for at least 3 months with continuation for a year or more, as a base detoxification regimen upon which additional agents can be added, is a reasonable empiric strategy for those suffering with post COVID-19 or vaccine-associated symptoms."
It’s generally safe with most vitamins and minerals, but because nattokinase and bromelain may thin the blood, be cautious if taking anticoagulants, aspirin, or NSAIDs. Always consult a healthcare professional before combining with medications.
Many users report improvements in energy levels, mental clarity, reduced inflammation, and better circulation. If you notice relief from lingering symptoms, it may indicate the protocol is beneficial.